What is the City of San Jose deciding regarding Opportunity Housing?
What is Opportunity Housing?
Meetings will be held on 4/12, 4/15, or 4/22, starting at 6:30 pm via Zoom:
You may have heard that the City of San Jose is in the process of determining whether or not there should be a city-sponsored study of Opportunity Housing. Please note that the city is not yet looking at implementing Opportunity Housing, they are only seeking to decide if they should study this issue.
There is confusion in the community regarding Opportunity Housing, what it is, what it isn't and why the city is considering a study of this policy. If you would like to learn more about this important issue, please attend one of three meetings that are being sponsored by community members in San Jose.
City staff, a group opposing and a group supporting will present at each meeting. There will be time set aside for questions after the presentations.
Get the Zoom registration links here: https://sanjoseunited.net/opportunity-housing-meetings/
Thank you! Feel free to share this email with anyone you think might be interested.
Jacquie Heffner/Karen Lattin
Zoom Meeting #1 regarding Glider School Property
SJRHS set up a Zoom meeting so that our community can discuss the possible outcomes IF the property is sold and learn how we can influence and shape any possible development on the Glider property. Lucas Ramirez, Council Policy and Legislative Analyst from the D2 council office, will be joining us.
Details: Thursday, March 4th, 2021 at 7 pm.
Here is a link to the recording of the Zoom Meeting #1 regarding Glider School Property:
(There were technical difficulties at the beginning so the recording starts after the intros.)
There are many "moving parts" to what could, or could not, happen to the Glider Property. SJRHS wants to help facilitate open dialog within our community and this Zoom meeting will be the first step.